During week 36, 35 vessels had been released at Cat Lai port, an increase of 4 in comparision with the previous week. The average berth wating time, however, slightly increased to 2.25h/vessel due to a delay in vessel schedule and inconvenience in pilot booking. Portstay and Net productivities were 35.6 move/h and 42.9 respectively. Thus, while Net productivity remained unchanged Portstay productivity reduced by 3.2% (1.3cont). The maximum productivity was 65.5 cont/vessel.h, which was witnessed by Uni Pacific 97B vessel at Terminal B. Last week, the loading onto 7 vessels at Cat Lai Port included 3 at Terminal A and 4 at Terminal B have been managed by TOPX program.
Reefer yard occupancy in the week 36 also went up from 92.7% to 103.6%. Currently, up to 200 inbound refer containers of Vinafood are strored at SNP company. Vinafood has urgently co-ordinated with SNP company and shipping Lines to release above-mentioned commodities. Thus, in the coming time, the pressure on reefer container yard of Cat Lai will significantly be reduced